Our sheltie site and links are being updated. Thank you for your patience as we update,  Kim  




 (SHELTIES) puppies and adults FOR SALE IN MICHIGAN.  

 Welcome to KM Shelties, breeder of Quality AKC Standard Shelties - Selective breeding in the works.

Offering Sheltie Puppies for sale and occasionally adult Shetland Sheepdogs. Striving for a well rounded, healthy socialized Sheltie. 

 Would you like to get paid for the food you use or share? If you are a Breeder, by all means take the challenge but feel free to reach out to me.
Work from Home part time with Holistic pet nutrition company helping pet professionals and pet lovers to find support tools right at their finger tips and make extra money.   Watch video and Contact KM Shelties

(OUR dogs care is coming first before web updates.)
Navigate KM Shetlies:


 Selectively Breeding Shelties since 1993
Selective Breeding in the works -Always 
Working hard with natural resources to support health and wellness holistically. Giving our dogs a head start to thrive!
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of deliberate, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”

It is a great highlight to keep in touch with our puppy/dog owners.  We especially love and appreciate photos of them older than a year to see how they matured.  With you is the Only way to know what we are producing. 

  All Our sheltie and puppies for sale 
Require Litter AKC registration be processed. 

services and supports

Supplements and supports Holistically the best we can.
As a dog breeder, animal health is my top priority! Safe, Natural resources are most important for us all today.  That is why I enthusiastically recommend a natural resource community, empowering you to truly care for your family.  When you know better you can do better!
Simple way to start is grab your seat at a live or on-line webinar below.

An easy-to-give wafer which boost the immune system is a great way to start. Purchase yours today.    

To the long life and health of your dog!
Highly recommended for all dogs and cats for better health. 
  • Natural Ingredients
  • Formulated to combat free radicals
We are exposed to toxins every day in so many ways.  An Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Reducing toxins is simple to help ourselves and loved ones. 
How can we truly  know what we are using is free of toxins?

Be sure to sign up for our webinar. 
When we know better we can do be. BE empowered with natural resources 
Want answers about animals and Essential oils?

 All are  Welcome, Even those outside of my shelties family.

 E-book Essential oils.
GRAB your Free Book Now

Free Gift -

 from KM Shelties

KM Shelties  Home - About - News -   - Puppy - Testimonial -  Tim Kim Oils -  

  Conformation Shown Quality Shelties
 KM Shelties  
 Breeding stock 
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Show Prospect Sheltie puppies